Regarding the above subject and context, to state that the formation of Gujarat State Educational Staff Recruitment Selection Committee on the recruitment of educational staff in government / non-government subsidized secondary and higher secondary schools
by the provisions of the declaration dated 11/6/11 and 12/11/18 of the Education Department. Is done. Accordingly the recruitment process of educational staff in government / non-government subsidized secondary and higher secondary schools is carried out from time to time by the Central Recruitment Selection Committee. Pursuant to which the provisions have been fixed with reference to Resolution-2 of the Department of Education regarding enrollment in the recruitment process for teaching assistants, teaching assistants / teachers in government / non-government aided primary, secondary and higher secondary schools. The following is a summary of the provisions of this resolution. - In the recruitment process of Academic Assistant / Education Assistant, up to 50% of the candidates are selected who are currently working as Academic Assistant / Teaching Assistant / Teacher and apply frequently or at every recruitment occasion to get the place of their choice and appear in the job without finding the place of choice. No. So that the candidates with new or low merit do not get the opportunity and the intention of the government to provide employment to the qualified candidates and to fill the vacancies of education assistants / education assistants is not achieved. - In order to rectify the aforesaid situation and to achieve the objective of Reference Resolution No. 3, when the Education Assistant / Education Assistant / Teacher / Headmaster applies for the post in which he / she is currently in or for other posts, he / she is the Appointing Authority i.e. District Education Officer Before applying for subscription from NOC. Will have to take and district.