Circular regarding certification of District wise roster register as recruitment process of teachers in Granted Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools is to be carried out.
As the recruitment process of teachers in Granted Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools is to be carried out, the matter of certifying the district wise roster register
Circular regarding certification of District wise roster register as recruitment process of teachers in Granted Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools is to be carried out.
Directorate of School Education implements the policies of the Government in the field of School Education. The Directorate of School Education is headed by the Commissioner. He is assisted by a number of Joint Directors, Deputy Directors, Assistant Directors, Assistant Inspectors of Schools and Sub-Inspectors of Schools and other support staff. All the officers manage the affairs of the schools apart from inspection and supervision of schools. Directorate of School Education deals with different educational issues related to Pre-Primary to Class XII including Primary Teachers' Training Institutions and also co-ordinates between different parastatals under the control of the School Education Department.
Each Deputy Director of School Education (DDSE) is assigned with a section which is responsible for some activities at the Directorate. The sections are following :
Administration (Admin) Section :
This section is entrusted with appointment of Sub-Inspector of Schools (SI/S) and Assistant Inspector of Schools (AI/S), promotion of SI/S to AI/S, transfer of SI/S & AI/S, delegation of charge of the district or sub-district level offices to the WBES officers (Inspection Branch), Appointment, promotion and transfer of Gr.-D staff and Gr.-C staff, dealing with vigilance cases, ACR / SAR of the officers, fixation of pay and allowances of officers under School Education Directorate, medical bill reimbursement, pension cases of WBES & WBSES officers, pension cases of WBSubES officers under DSE, WB, sanctioning of different allotments to district and sub-district level offices, sanctioning of leave of the staff and officers attached to the DSE as well as the WBES and WBSES officers, permission for purchasing of movable & immovable properties, permission for foreign travel, permission for appearing at different exam., school inspection, school management and all types of scholarships to students (including State & Central), etc.
Grant-in-Aid (GA) Section :
This section is responsible for releasing of fund for payment of monthly salaries (including arrear claim) of the approved Teaching and Non-Teaching employees of the recognized Govt. Aided and Govt. Sponsored and D.A getting Junior High/High/Higher Secondary schools, matters relating to service condition and financial benefits of the Teaching and Non-Teaching employees of High/Higher Secondary schools as referred by the District Inspectors of Schools (SE), matters relating to Died-in-harness cases of secondary type schools, disposing of representations relating to High/Higher Secondary Schools as received from the School Authorities and others, submission of list of vacant posts of Headmaster/Headmistress and Assistant Teachers of Govt. Aided and Govt. Sponsored schools [as reported from the District Inspectors of Schools (SE)] to the WBCSSC, preparing and forwarding the list of schools to the School Education Department for consideration of non-recurring grants on the basis of proposals received from the District Inspectors of Schools (SE), etc.
Basic Section :
This section is entrusted with all issues related to Primary Teachers' Training Institutes (PTTI).
Rural Primary (RP) Section :
This section is responsible for releasing of fund for payment of monthly salaries (including arrear claim) of the approved Teaching staff of the recognized Govt. aided and Govt. Sponsored primary schools and District Primary School Councils (DPSC), matters relating to service condition and financial benefits of the teachers of primary schools, disposing of representations relating to Primary Schools as received from the DPSCs, died-in-harness cases related to primary schools, approval of panel for appointment of staff in DPSC, issues related to Sanskrit Tol, Issues related to Santhali medium schools, law matters related to primary schools on died-in-harness cases, Capital grant (including different infrastructural support) to primary schools, etc.
Jr. High (JH) Section :
This section is responsible for up-gradation of Jr. High School to High School, arrear claim of teaching and non-teaching staff of Jr. High Schools, proposal for sanction of posts of teaching and non-teaching staff of Jr. High Schools, distribution of school bags, all matters related to Jr. High Schools, etc.
Development and Planning (D&P) Section :
This section is responsible for distribution of different types of allotments to the DDOs, prepation of Budget, proposal for requirement of fund, Teachers' Day celebration (Siksharatna), National Award for teachers, distribution of NTB, processing of bills relating to NTB, etc.
Higher Secondary (HS) Section :
This section is responsible for up-gradation of schools to HS level and allied matters, public grievance redressal, training (ATI) and exam. related issues, issues related to MHRD, GoI, NUEPA, NCERT, Parliament and Legislative Assembly questions, school safety related issues, health related issues in schools, issues related to Human Rights Commission, issues related to Child Rights Commission, issues related to RTE Act, 2009, English medium in schools, etc.
Boys' High (BH) Section :
This section is responsible for dealing with issues related to Govt. Schools, New Integrated Govt. Schools (under BRGF Scheme) and Model Schools, Hostels, appointment, transfer, fixation of pay and allowance, promotion, leave and pension of the HM and Asstt Master /Mistress of Govt schools, release of capital grants etc.
Anglo Indian Schools (AIS) Section :
This section is responsible for issuance of NOC to the non-govt. unaided schools, issues related to private schools, issues related to Vishakha guidelines, issues related to RTI Act-2005, releasing of DA to the DA getting Anglo-Indian Schools etc.
Rehabilitation & Welfare (R&W) Section (including Law issues) :
This section is responsible for the issues related to law matters of primary, Jr. High secondary and higher secondary schools, etc.
Physical Education Section :
This section is responsible for the issues related to the Physical Education, issues of DOPE & YW and DOPE., organising district level sports, etc.
Nationalised Text Book (NTB) Section :
This section is responsible for printing and distribution of NTB and exercise books and related issues.
Educational Administration at District Level
Office of the District Inspector of Schools (Primary Education) :
The district level office for primary level education is known as the Office of the District Inspector of Schools (Primary Education). The District Inspector of Schools acts as the Head of Office. He/She is assisted by the Addl. District Inspector of Schools (ADI/S) and a number of Asstt. Inspectors of Schools (AI/S), Sub Inspectors of Schools (SI/S) and other support staff.
The main activities of the District Inspector of Schools (Primary Education) is to deal with different issues related to pension of Primary teachers, inspection to primary schools, implementation of different schemes at primary level, service matters of SI of Schools, Gr-C and Gr-D employees of circles as well as in the district office and also matters related to Primary Teachers’ Training Institutes of the district.

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As the recruitment process of teachers in Granted Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools is to be carried out, the matter of certifying the district wise roster register
Circular regarding certification of District wise roster register as recruitment process of teachers in Granted Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools is to be carried out.
Directorate of School Education implements the policies of the Government in the field of School Education. The Directorate of School Education is headed by the Commissioner. He is assisted by a number of Joint Directors, Deputy Directors, Assistant Directors, Assistant Inspectors of Schools and Sub-Inspectors of Schools and other support staff. All the officers manage the affairs of the schools apart from inspection and supervision of schools. Directorate of School Education deals with different educational issues related to Pre-Primary to Class XII including Primary Teachers' Training Institutions and also co-ordinates between different parastatals under the control of the School Education Department.
Each Deputy Director of School Education (DDSE) is assigned with a section which is responsible for some activities at the Directorate. The sections are following :
Administration (Admin) Section :
This section is entrusted with appointment of Sub-Inspector of Schools (SI/S) and Assistant Inspector of Schools (AI/S), promotion of SI/S to AI/S, transfer of SI/S & AI/S, delegation of charge of the district or sub-district level offices to the WBES officers (Inspection Branch), Appointment, promotion and transfer of Gr.-D staff and Gr.-C staff, dealing with vigilance cases, ACR / SAR of the officers, fixation of pay and allowances of officers under School Education Directorate, medical bill reimbursement, pension cases of WBES & WBSES officers, pension cases of WBSubES officers under DSE, WB, sanctioning of different allotments to district and sub-district level offices, sanctioning of leave of the staff and officers attached to the DSE as well as the WBES and WBSES officers, permission for purchasing of movable & immovable properties, permission for foreign travel, permission for appearing at different exam., school inspection, school management and all types of scholarships to students (including State & Central), etc.
Grant-in-Aid (GA) Section :
This section is responsible for releasing of fund for payment of monthly salaries (including arrear claim) of the approved Teaching and Non-Teaching employees of the recognized Govt. Aided and Govt. Sponsored and D.A getting Junior High/High/Higher Secondary schools, matters relating to service condition and financial benefits of the Teaching and Non-Teaching employees of High/Higher Secondary schools as referred by the District Inspectors of Schools (SE), matters relating to Died-in-harness cases of secondary type schools, disposing of representations relating to High/Higher Secondary Schools as received from the School Authorities and others, submission of list of vacant posts of Headmaster/Headmistress and Assistant Teachers of Govt. Aided and Govt. Sponsored schools [as reported from the District Inspectors of Schools (SE)] to the WBCSSC, preparing and forwarding the list of schools to the School Education Department for consideration of non-recurring grants on the basis of proposals received from the District Inspectors of Schools (SE), etc.
Basic Section :
This section is entrusted with all issues related to Primary Teachers' Training Institutes (PTTI).
Rural Primary (RP) Section :
This section is responsible for releasing of fund for payment of monthly salaries (including arrear claim) of the approved Teaching staff of the recognized Govt. aided and Govt. Sponsored primary schools and District Primary School Councils (DPSC), matters relating to service condition and financial benefits of the teachers of primary schools, disposing of representations relating to Primary Schools as received from the DPSCs, died-in-harness cases related to primary schools, approval of panel for appointment of staff in DPSC, issues related to Sanskrit Tol, Issues related to Santhali medium schools, law matters related to primary schools on died-in-harness cases, Capital grant (including different infrastructural support) to primary schools, etc.
Jr. High (JH) Section :
This section is responsible for up-gradation of Jr. High School to High School, arrear claim of teaching and non-teaching staff of Jr. High Schools, proposal for sanction of posts of teaching and non-teaching staff of Jr. High Schools, distribution of school bags, all matters related to Jr. High Schools, etc.
Development and Planning (D&P) Section :
This section is responsible for distribution of different types of allotments to the DDOs, prepation of Budget, proposal for requirement of fund, Teachers' Day celebration (Siksharatna), National Award for teachers, distribution of NTB, processing of bills relating to NTB, etc.
Higher Secondary (HS) Section :
This section is responsible for up-gradation of schools to HS level and allied matters, public grievance redressal, training (ATI) and exam. related issues, issues related to MHRD, GoI, NUEPA, NCERT, Parliament and Legislative Assembly questions, school safety related issues, health related issues in schools, issues related to Human Rights Commission, issues related to Child Rights Commission, issues related to RTE Act, 2009, English medium in schools, etc.
Boys' High (BH) Section :
This section is responsible for dealing with issues related to Govt. Schools, New Integrated Govt. Schools (under BRGF Scheme) and Model Schools, Hostels, appointment, transfer, fixation of pay and allowance, promotion, leave and pension of the HM and Asstt Master /Mistress of Govt schools, release of capital grants etc.
Anglo Indian Schools (AIS) Section :
This section is responsible for issuance of NOC to the non-govt. unaided schools, issues related to private schools, issues related to Vishakha guidelines, issues related to RTI Act-2005, releasing of DA to the DA getting Anglo-Indian Schools etc.
Rehabilitation & Welfare (R&W) Section (including Law issues) :
This section is responsible for the issues related to law matters of primary, Jr. High secondary and higher secondary schools, etc.
Physical Education Section :
This section is responsible for the issues related to the Physical Education, issues of DOPE & YW and DOPE., organising district level sports, etc.
Nationalised Text Book (NTB) Section :
This section is responsible for printing and distribution of NTB and exercise books and related issues.
Educational Administration at District Level
Office of the District Inspector of Schools (Primary Education) :
The district level office for primary level education is known as the Office of the District Inspector of Schools (Primary Education). The District Inspector of Schools acts as the Head of Office. He/She is assisted by the Addl. District Inspector of Schools (ADI/S) and a number of Asstt. Inspectors of Schools (AI/S), Sub Inspectors of Schools (SI/S) and other support staff.
The main activities of the District Inspector of Schools (Primary Education) is to deal with different issues related to pension of Primary teachers, inspection to primary schools, implementation of different schemes at primary level, service matters of SI of Schools, Gr-C and Gr-D employees of circles as well as in the district office and also matters related to Primary Teachers’ Training Institutes of the district.

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