Drawing computation by the state government Gujarat
Participate in drawing essay and poetry writing competition organized by Gujarat government with your children sitting at home and win prizes. If the child can draw a picture from home and send it by email or post to the district office, then your child has a vacation at home to cultivate talent.

The Department of Art at American University encompasses the creative activities of the fine arts, painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking, and multimedia; the artistic applications of design; and theoretical and historical concerns of humanistic discipline . we provide degree programs in humanistic discipline , graphic design, and studio art, also as an array of elective courses. MISSION We provide students with the tools to know the historical and contemporary criteria for the making of art works; foster rigorous and unique investigation; promote an environment of enthusiasm, dedication, and intensive effort; and prepare students for careers within the arts.

The child who comes first at the district level will be given a prize of Rs. 15,000 by the government. The second number will be given Rs. 11,000 by the government and the third number will be given Rs. 5,000 by the government.
Participate in drawing essay and poetry writing competition organized by Gujarat government with your children sitting at home and win prizes. If the child can draw a picture from home and send it by email or post to the district office, then your child has a vacation at home to cultivate talent.

The Department of Art at American University encompasses the creative activities of the fine arts, painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking, and multimedia; the artistic applications of design; and theoretical and historical concerns of humanistic discipline . we provide degree programs in humanistic discipline , graphic design, and studio art, also as an array of elective courses. MISSION We provide students with the tools to know the historical and contemporary criteria for the making of art works; foster rigorous and unique investigation; promote an environment of enthusiasm, dedication, and intensive effort; and prepare students for careers within the arts.

The child who comes first at the district level will be given a prize of Rs. 15,000 by the government. The second number will be given Rs. 11,000 by the government and the third number will be given Rs. 5,000 by the government.