GPSC Recruitment 388 Post STO, TDO, Mamlatdar and Other Post Notifications, Online Apply Online Results||Answers Key
Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) Bharti 2023 for STO, TDO, Mamlatdar and Other Posts, Notification, Apply Online Link at
Total Posts: 388 Posts
Posts Name: State Tax Officer (STO), Mamlatdar, Taluka Development Officer and Other Posts

Educational Qualification, Age Limit, Fee & Other Details: Please Read Official Notification.
Note- The educational qualification and experience mentioned here are for general understanding of the candidates. Provision of advertisement for certain types of educational qualification and experience. The recruitment rules of the post and the recruitment (examination) rules have to be considered. The Commission shall have the unrestricted right to change the number of posts subject to the proposal of the Department in all advertisements published by the Commission. - Considering the number of candidates, the primary test will be taken through OMR/CBRT (Computer Based Recruitment Test),
-Educational qualification, experience etc. will be as per the detailed advertisement published on the Commission's website htps:// and hltps://
Out of the said Advertisement No: 44, 45 & 46/2023-24, selection will be made on the basis of total marks by calculating 50% weightage out of 300 marks in the preliminary test and 50% weightage out of 100 marks in face-to-face interview. That is, 50-50 percent weightage will be given to marks obtained out of 300 and 100 marks in preliminary test and face-to-face interview respectively. In the preliminary examination, 100 questions of 100 marks will be of general studies and 00 questions of 200 marks will be of related subjects. (Candidates securing less than 15% marks in the preliminary test in all advertisements will not be considered for face-to-face interview) Candidates who fall within the eligibility criteria prescribed by the Commission in the preliminary test for Advertisement No. 47/2023-24 and satisfy the provisions mentioned in the recruitment rules, recruitment examination rules and advertisement Among the total spaces approx
Fifteen (fifteen) candidates will be admitted to the main written examination. Candidates selected in J.Kr.-48/2023-24 to J.Kr.-52/2023-24 are Gujarat Jalsampatti Vikas Nigam Ltd. (GWRDC) shall be considered an employee. They will not be considered employees of Gujarat Government. These advertisements are issued subject to recruitment rules and all other rules of the concerned Corporation for all vacancies.
-The selection list for all advertisements will be finalized on the basis of merit. The final marks obtained by the candidate will be declared only at the time of final result.
(1) To make a single application in respect of any advertisement.
(2) Candidates should apply online by reading advertisement number and post name clearly. While applying online, after filling all the details in the application form, confirm the details and then confirm the application.
(3) To ensure that the candidate uploads his photograph and signature at the time of application. If there is a photograph or signature other than the candidate, no other proof will be considered valid and the candidate will not be allowed to appear in the examination.
(4) The online application made by the candidates is "Editable" till the last time of advertisement. The details of the confirmed application form or if there is any mistake in the information given by the candidate, if there is a need to correct the same, https://gpsc-ojas.gujarat By going to the “din” option in the “Online Application” menu of, any details can be corrected in that advertisement till the last (last) day and time of online application, in which case no fresh application should be made. No corrections can be made in the filled application form.
(5) Apart from that, you must download and save a copy of the online confirmed application form and verify all your details, photo and signature in it.
(6) More than one number. In case of application, only the last confirmed application form will be accepted.For non-reserved category candidates, the last confirmed application form with fee will be accepted.
(7) Candidates In case of eligibility for face-to-face visit, the certificates to be produced should be kept ready and produced at the time of face-to-face visit.
SSCE CERTIFICATE (DATE OF BIRTH INDICATED ONLY) must be submitted for proof of age. No other document will be accepted. Candidates belonging to Socially and Educationally Backward Classes must submit Annexure-K-Annexure-4 (Gujarati) for NON CREAMY LAYER CERTIFICATE (NCC). Candidates belonging to Weaker Section (EW) should submit only (Annexure-KH in English or Annexure-C in Gujarati) as prescribed vide resolution Frame No: EWS/122019/45903/2 dated 25/01/2019 of Department of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of Gujarat. And the same will be considered valid.-Candidates belonging to non-reserved category can pay the application fee in post office by challan by 09.09.2023 till the office hours of that post office and online at Can fill till 11:59.
- Candidates are specially advised that the website will be open only till 11:59 PM on 08-09-2023 for online application. Therefore, without waiting till the last day, it is advised to check all the details carefully in the online application and fill it as soon as possible and confirm the online application. It is mandatory for the candidate to fill the online application form within the stipulated time and obtain the Confirmation Number. Candidate will be responsible for any mistake.
How to Apply: Interested and Eligible Candidates may Apply Online Through official Website-
Important Dates:
• Starting Date for Submission of Online Application: 24-08-2023
• Last Date for Submission of Online Application: 08-09-2023
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