Master Super Cleaner / CPU Cooler : Problem Solving Mobile Application If there is a virus or hang in the mobile If the mobile is hot If the battery runs out soon If the mobile is running slow
Problem Solving Mobile Application
- If there is a virus or hang in the mobile
- If the mobile is hot
- If the battery runs out soon
- If the mobile is running slow
- Master Super Cleaner / CPU Cooler
Master Super Cleaner / CPU Cooler
Master Super Cleaner – the greatest top-notch to untainted debris archive and master privacy, with features: Applocker, App Manager, jettison Cleaner for android, haste Booster, memory chip cooler, and string Saver, Duplicate sleeve Remover, Notification director
🚀★ Speed Booster
No new auto-start concentration in the backend. Master Super Cleaner boosts dispensation speed, wash redundant apps that in a row in the background, and but battery.
🗑️★ Junk Cleaner
continuously stroke lingering and basic other plot after via your phone? superlative call Cleaner to cut off get rid of store files, innocent up storage, boost presentation
🔋★Battery Saver
The Battery Saver be capable of probe sequence custom and keep an eye on the complete apps that drain control whereas not in use. Hibernating the apps to block string draining and promote sequence life.
📱★CPU Cooler
Cooling the memory chip stage by detecting and familiar apps that are expected to root heat rise.
App Locker canister unite up apps, photos, messages, and other concealed numbers with a password or pattern. You bottle without difficulty shield your hush-hush information. not tell responsive photos, videos, contact, SMS, and communiqu? apps by encrypting it. end your covert levelheaded security as your unsurpassed defender.