GAIL (India) Limited has published an Advertisement for the below-mentioned Posts. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee, and how to apply are given below.
Posts: Retired Revenue Personnel
Total No. of Posts: 09
Educational Qualification: Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on an interview.
How to Apply:
Desired candidate can apply along with the format given below, so as to reach the office of Chief General Manager, Project, GAIL (India) Limited, Vijaipur: 473112, District: Guna, Madhya Pradesh, or e-mail the application along with all documents to e-mail:, so as to reach on or before 06.06.2020, long with relevant documents of eligibility and experience. Selection of these posts shall be done on the basis of eligibility, experience and interview. Incomplete application will be
summarily rejected. For more information, may please contact telephone number 07544-274444, extension 2166. The advertisement will also be hosted in GAIL's internet page,
Last Date: 06-06-2020
Advertisement: Click Here | For more details
Posts: Retired Revenue Personnel
- Tehsildar / Nayeb Tehsildar: 01
- Revenue Inspector: 02
- Patwari / Lekhpal: 06
Total No. of Posts: 09
Educational Qualification: Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on an interview.
How to Apply:
Desired candidate can apply along with the format given below, so as to reach the office of Chief General Manager, Project, GAIL (India) Limited, Vijaipur: 473112, District: Guna, Madhya Pradesh, or e-mail the application along with all documents to e-mail:, so as to reach on or before 06.06.2020, long with relevant documents of eligibility and experience. Selection of these posts shall be done on the basis of eligibility, experience and interview. Incomplete application will be
summarily rejected. For more information, may please contact telephone number 07544-274444, extension 2166. The advertisement will also be hosted in GAIL's internet page,
Last Date: 06-06-2020
Advertisement: Click Here | For more details