Chief Minister Vijaybhai Rupani giving financial relief to the power consumers of the state in case of a lockdown
Now the March-April electricity bill can be paid till May 30
The deadline for payment of electricity bills from March to April has been extended to May 30, 2020 for electricity customers of all power distribution companies in the state. The state's small and middle class traders have also decided to provide financial relief to shopkeepers and industries by exempting all such LT customers in the state from levying a fixed charge demand charge in the April electricity bill.
In the case of HT customers in the state, it has been decided that those consumers whose power consumption during the lockdown is less than 50 per cent of the average consumption of the previous 3 months will be exempted from the fixed charge demand charge in the April bill. This exemption will not apply to banks, telecom companies, petrochemical complex refineries and dairies as well as hospitals. Private hospitals have been largely closed during the lockdown. However, hospitals whose power consumption is 50 per cent lower than the average of the previous 3 months of the lockdown have been exempted from the fixed charge demand charge.
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