Railway RPF Exam official mock Test
- Only one question will be displayed on the computer screen at a time.
- Each Question will have 4 alternatives.
- There is 01 mark for each question which will be displayed at the top right hand corner of each screen.
- 1/3 Marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
- The question will be available in 15 languages.
- During start batch whichever language you select you have to continue in the same language.
- If you have any query in question, you can get the English version of the question by selecting the language option.
- Questions in English language have to be considered as the final version.
- The exam screen will continuously display the remaining time at the top right hand corner of the question paper.
- The candidates may ask the Invigilator their doubts or questions before the commencement of test. No queries shall be entertained after the commencement of the examination.
- Rough Sheet will be provided to the candidates for rough work during the test. All the rough sheets need to be returned to the Invigilator before leaving the test venue.
- In order to answer a question, you have to 'Click' the option you think is appropriate/ correct. The alternative which has been clicked on will be highlighted and shall be treated as the answer given by you for the question.
- If you do not wish to attempt the question then you should not click on any option for that question and may click 'Next'.
- You can 'Bookmark' questions to review before submitting.
- You can navigate between questions either by clicking on 'Previous/Next' or by directly clicking on the question numbers which are displayed as attempted/un-attempted/bookmarked in the Section wise Summary Report
About Preview and Submission:
- The answers are saved whenever the candidate navigates e.g. by clicking on Next/ Previous button
- The candidates can make changes in their choice of alternative only before clicking the "Submit" button.
- "Done" button will appear only on the last question after 88 minutes have elapsed from the start time of exam.
- You have to click on "Done" button to submit the paper.
- After the expiry of 90 minutes the candidates will not be able to attempt any question or check their answers.
- Candidate can be debarred /disqualified by the Center-In-Charge for any of the following reasons:
Creating a disturbance.
- Impersonate - Attempting to take the examination for someone else.
- Giving or receiving assistance of any kind during the examination & communication in any form between candidates or with outsiders or gesticulation or disturbance or attempt to change seat /question paper in the examination hall
- Attempting to tamper with the operation of the computer or meddling with system.
- Leaving the test center without the permission from the invigilator.
- Using prohibited aids, item not allowed, such as: Calculators, Cell Phones, Pieces of Paper, Electronic Diaries, Watch alarm, listening device, recording or photographic devices, or any other unauthorized device.
- Attempting to remove examination question and /or examination responses (in any format) from the examination center.
- Failing to follow instructions of invigilator or test center staff.
- Manhandling of invigilators or test center staff.
- Any suspicious act by the candidate which, as per the opinion of the Client observer, has created an impression of unfairness during the examination
- Resorting to unfair means or trying to influence any person duly authorized to conduct the examination, in any way for examination results shall be considered as a serious offence. The candidate shall be liable to have his/her name removed from the list of candidates for the examination and may also be further dealt with in such manner as client may deem fit.
- The Chief proctor is authorized to dismiss the candidate/s from the examination center for any misconduct by the candidates and the decision will be final and binding.
- Candidates are advised not to indulge in any malpractice, as the entire examination process will be monitored and recorded through CCTV.
About Answering Questions:
Call latter.Hall ticket