SSC Exam Schedule (Computer Based Mode) of Various Exams 2018

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has finalized the dates for conducting three examinations in the Computer Based Mode, in the months of January and February, 2019 as given in the table below:-

1. Junior Hindi Translator, Junior Translator, Senior Hindi Translator and Hindi Pradhyapak Examination, 2018 (paper-I): 13.01.2019

2. Examination for Selection Posts Phase-VI/ 2018 
(i) Matriculation Level: 16.01.2019 to 18.01.2019
(ii) Higher Secondary Level: 17.01.2019 & 18.01.2019
(iii) Graduation Level: 17.01.2019 & 18.01.2019

3. Stenographer Grade ‘C’ & ’D’ Examination, 2018: 05.02.2019 to 07.02.2019 

The dates for the SI in Delhi Police, CAPFs and ASI in CISF Examination, 2018 and Constable (GD) in CAPFs, NIA, SSF and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles Examination, 2018 will be hosted on the website of the Commission shortly.

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