JEE Advanced Result 2017 Declared
Joint Entrance Exam Advanced (JEE Advanced)
JEE Advanced 2017 - IIT Madrashas declared the result of JEE Advanced 2017 on June 11, 2017. The result is available in online mode only and candidate can log-in to check their JEE Advanced 2017 results. The entrance test (Paper I) was conducted from 9 am to 12 pm, while Paper II was held from 2 pm to 5 pm, on May 21. Candidates had to appear in both the papers. The JEE Advanced admit card 2017 was available from May 10. JEE Advanced 2017 is the second stage of Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) and provides admissions to eligible candidates into the B.Tech programmes offered by 23 Indian Institute of Technology (IITs). To participate in JEE Advanced 2017, the candidates had to be among the top 2,20,000 rankers of JEE Main 2017. In 2016, only top 2 lakh JEE Main qualifiers were eligible for JEE Advanced 2017. In order to take JEE Advanced 2017, the candidates had to register themselves, and fill and submit the application form. The online application form of JEE Advanced 2017 was available and the registration process was open till May 2, 2017 without late fee. The seat allotment process of the selected candidates will be done through JoSAA counselling. Around 10, 572 undergraduate engineering seats will be open for admission through JEE Advanced. Read more to know all the details about the eligibility criteria, application form, admit card, result, counselling and seat allotment of JEE Advanced 2017.
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Joint Entrance Exam Advanced (JEE Advanced)
JEE Advanced 2017 - IIT Madrashas declared the result of JEE Advanced 2017 on June 11, 2017. The result is available in online mode only and candidate can log-in to check their JEE Advanced 2017 results. The entrance test (Paper I) was conducted from 9 am to 12 pm, while Paper II was held from 2 pm to 5 pm, on May 21. Candidates had to appear in both the papers. The JEE Advanced admit card 2017 was available from May 10. JEE Advanced 2017 is the second stage of Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) and provides admissions to eligible candidates into the B.Tech programmes offered by 23 Indian Institute of Technology (IITs). To participate in JEE Advanced 2017, the candidates had to be among the top 2,20,000 rankers of JEE Main 2017. In 2016, only top 2 lakh JEE Main qualifiers were eligible for JEE Advanced 2017. In order to take JEE Advanced 2017, the candidates had to register themselves, and fill and submit the application form. The online application form of JEE Advanced 2017 was available and the registration process was open till May 2, 2017 without late fee. The seat allotment process of the selected candidates will be done through JoSAA counselling. Around 10, 572 undergraduate engineering seats will be open for admission through JEE Advanced. Read more to know all the details about the eligibility criteria, application form, admit card, result, counselling and seat allotment of JEE Advanced 2017.
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